
Aqua Aero Aftermarket


The aftermarket that Aqua Aero focuses on covers a large part of the HVAC&R market after installation on location. Many of these locations are difficult to reach because they are suspended at a great height or on the roof of business premises, hotels, school buildings, hospitals, office buildings and homes. Many of these locations do not have direct access to electricity and running water.

In addition, it is often very cumbersome for small maintenance to lift a high-pressure cleaner and heavy compressor on the roof. Our aerosol protection kits, coating aerosols and cleaning aerosols are do-it-yourself products and are provided with water-based coatings that are filled with nitrogen.

The label of these products are therefore without any danger signs, in line with the accompanying safety data sheets. The water-based coatings in nitrogen-filled aerosols are currently the most durable and green products available on the market, but offer the same corrosion protection as available alternatives.

We would be more than willing to send you a brochure with detailed information if you email us at